Please ensure that you have added your bank account before making a request to transfer in Indonesian Rupiah.
After you have added your bank account, please follow the steps below.
Making a Transfer In Request
- Sign in to your account, go to the "Home" tab and select “Transfer In”.
2. If you have more than one bank account registered, pick an account where you will be sending the funds from, and click "Next".
3. Transfer instructions will be shown. Take note of transfer type, comment/description, and receiving (payee) bank account name and number.
You can transfer your money to your Bank Sahabat Sampoerna Virtual Account Number
a. Transfer instruction using Other Bank (If you do not have a Bank Sahabat Sampoerna account)
- Login into your internet/mobile banking application
- Select menu Transfer antar bank or Transfer online antar bank
- Input BSS bank code (523) or select the destination bank, BSS.
- Input 16 Digit Virtual Account Number in the column Rekening Tujuan, e.g.123456789012XXXX
- Input transfer Payment Amount (e.g.: Rp 100,000) ****according to the Transfer in the amount that you desire
- Confirmation of your details will appear on the screen, check and if it is appropriate, please continue the transaction until it is complete.
- See your Payment Receipt
- Payment done
b. Transfer instruction using Bank Sahabat Sampoerna Mobile Banking/Internet Banking
- Login into your BSS Mobile Banking/Internet Banking
- Select Menu Bayar
- Select Menu Virtual Account Bank Sampoerna
- Input Virtual Account Number, eg. 12180XXXXXXXXXXX
- Input Payment Amount (e.g.: 44,000)
- Click Kirim
- See the Payment Detail
- Input Mobile Banking Password
- Click Kirim
- Payment Receipt will be displayed
- Payment done